Just looking for a taster? Book a one off Explorer session...
If you have not been to The Hideaway Forest School before, please do come along and find out what its all about. Complete the form below and we will be in touch to confirm your single session date for £9.
We look forward to you joining us at The Hideaway!
OUR DATA PRIVACY POLICY - By applying for a place at The Hideaway Forest school (THFS) you are giving permission for the THFS to use the information that you provide to keep you informed about The Hideaway Forest School Sessions and to send you confirmation of booking and receipts of your Forest School sessions that you have booked with us. Our primary means of contacting you will be by email or telephone. We will not share your details with third parties. Your information will be held within the THFS member management system. Once you stop attending our sessions your data will be held in our management system for 1 year, unless you email to opt out. After that it will be deleted from our system. Our website does not capture any of your financial information when you make online payments to the THFS. Clients may request that their account and all associated data be deleted at any time. The THFS website has an SSL certificate and is encrypted to help keep your personal data secure.
FOOD - We cook a fresh snack on an open fire every forest school session. We try to ensure that our snacks within the Hideaway are part of a healthy and balanced diet. If you or your child have any allergies or intolerances please provide details on the above form.
ACCESSIBLE - We try to ensure that we are inclusive to all members of our community. If you have any medical or mobility issues please let us know on the above form.