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What nature would you like to see in the future? - Activity 3

Yesterday my children and I thought about what would we like our garden to be like in the future so we decided to become landscape gardeners and drew a plan of what should be in our garden. We thought about:

What would encourage small mammals to our garden?

What would encourage birds to our garden?

What would engourage invertebrates and polenators to our garden?

What would we like to use our garden for?

Then we considered how our garden might look in the summer, spring autumn and winter.

As you can see my youngests design was mainly play based but included wild flower areas, trees for the birds and an allotment patch. We went on to plan our small allotment patch in more detail and drew a grid to track when our seeds germinated and track how tall they grow.

We have a very small alotment patch but the same can be done with planters or if you dont have any space for plants why not make a plan to re-nature our local park and send it to the parks and gardens department at the council or a plan for an area of your school playground which you can implement when returning to school.

Have fun and let us see your plans and what garden you create.


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